Discover the solution to spread your resources in areas where Internet access is difficult.
The solution for accessing digital resources (video, audio, text, maps, etc.) via a local network, and compatible with data collection (IoT).
A solution based on the concrete needs of those faced with power grid and Internet stability issues in tropical zones.
Find out more about DataCup...
DataCup's projects contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals
The PowerCup
In line with our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, discover the PowerCup, our solar charging solution.
A simple alternative for powering and recharging your DataCups and other electronic devices.
Find out more about PowerCup...
In the field
Discover the projects in which DataCup is involved. Learn more about how we tailor our content and support our partners.
Engagement Numérique Responsable
DataCup s'est engagée dans une démarche de labellisation NR.
Our services
Our team will help you deploy and configure your DataCups. Discover our online platform and easily manage your content.
We are acting in the field of IoT (Internet of Things) with LoRaWAN, for a complete solution for collecting, storing, managing and analyzing data collected in the field.
Finally, our library management team can help you add and organize your specific content.
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A new team for DataCup
Meet our new Team Niger friends and find out why they've come to our offices.

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