SDG 4: Quality Education
DataCup facilitates access to quality education through an intuitive portal of high-quality digital educational resources. Our deployment sites include schools, universities andother actors in education to deliver an enhanced learning experience at every level.
Our partners select the resources they need from our carefully catalogued digital library. They can also integrate their own digital content, to create a digital learning environment that is both qualitative and adapted to their needs (local languages, cultural references, official curriculum). Viewing media in this controlled environment ensures an experience free of interruptions and distractions (no advertising, no content unsuitable for children).
For example, our recent collaboration with the BMCE Bank foundation has enabled us to integrate our solutions into 4 rural elementary school in the network, guaranteeing seamless access to high-quality digital resources.
Teachers can enrich their lessons and offer more fun ways of learning. Pupils and students are more engaged in class.
The wide range of resources available in our library covers a wide range of topics, including agriculture, water management, entrepreneurship, professional skills development, IT development, health, hygiene, nutrition, gender equality, human rights and much more.
SDG 2 : Zero Hunger
DataCup agit pour renforcer les capacités productives agricoles des pays en développement, en particulier des pays les moins avancés, en simplifiant l'accès au savoir agricole (2.3 Productivité et petits exploitants) et à la technologie IoT (2.a Recherche agronomique) .
En particulier, DataCup référence des ressources en agroécologie pour soutenir les agriculteurs à la mise en œuvre de pratiques agricoles résilientes (2.4 Agriculture performante et résiliente).
Duddal is the digital library for agriculture and rural development in Niger. First available online, it's now also available without an Internet connection on the DataCup and offers resources such as:
- posters (heap composting method, health benefits of millet, etc.),
- radio programs in Haoussa and Zarma (planting mango trees, how to control the red mite...),
- maps (soil suitability for irrigation, relative humidity and vegetation density, etc.),
- practical videos (drilling a borehole, installing a drip irrigation system, seed storage, etc.),
- and many more,
to help agricultural advisors in their day-to-day work with farmers.
For the CombiFarm project, we're going to deploy a DataCup with IoT (Internet of Things) technology in a living laboratory in Morocco. The aim is to deploy a low-cost sensor network in remote areas where the Internet connection is non-existent and the IoT network too expensive. The DataCup will enable data to be collected and displayed offline and asynchronously in the field. Better managing and controlling the consumption of natural resources (water, inputs) will thus help farmers to move towards more responsible farming.
SDG 8 : Decent Work and Economic Growth
Through the resources we distribute and our manufacturing and distribution model, DataCup helps individuals develop their professional skills to meet the demands of the job market or create their own business.
By offering access to training and practical tools, we help to provide new employment opportunities and move communities forward.
During our trip to Niger for the Duddal project, our local government partner suggested that we create a local economic activity in Niger. This led us to develop a skills transfer program and set up a business mentoring program with 3 volunteers with complementary skills.
In 2022,we hosted them in our office in France for six weeks, sharing our technical and commercial expertise. They learned how to build and maintain DataCups, enabling local distribution, production and after-sales service in Niger. They returned with four self-built DataCups for demonstration purposes, and set up their own company to develop the DataCup ecosystem locally.
We aim to replicate this successful model of knowledge sharing with our local Brazilian partner, as well as any other organization that shares our values.
SDG 9 : Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
By offering a technology that guarantees access to information anywhere and in any environment, however extreme, DataCup is helping to increase access to information technologies, independently of Internet infrastructures that are struggling to develop and offer affordable rates in certain regions, particularly in developing countries (9.c).
DataCup is an innovative solution that provides high-quality digital resources, carefully catalogued for easy access and consultation. Thanks to our software solutions, such as our embedded portal, users benefit from a smooth, Internet-like browsing experience, even without a direct network connection.
Our business model is based on the acquisition of shared hardware within the community, with a free Wi-Fi connection. This allows us to offer access to information at a low cost per user, making our solution particularly affordable and adapted to local needs (9.1).
This is fully in line with the promotion of universal access to information, fostering digital inclusion and reducing inequalities between territories, ensuring that no-one is left behind in terms of access to information and the opportunities it offers.
SDG 10 : Reduced Inequalities
By improving access to information, DataCup promotes the empowerment of disadvantaged populations (rural, women, young people, disabled people, migrants) (10.2).
By deploying DataCups in refugee camps and migrant arrival centers, DataCup meets the information needs of displaced populations, facilitating their integration into society (10.7).
By focusing on projects with a mission in the development sector, DataCup gains access to funding dedicated to international development programs (10.b). These partnerships with NGOs and other players enable us to extend the use of our solutions in priority regions such as sub-Saharan Africa.
Through the DataCup ecosystem, we work every day to reduce the digital divide, bridging gaps between regions, genders and social classes, and promoting equitable access to information.
SDG 12 : Responsible Consumption and Production
DataCup s'engage vers une consommation et une fabrication durable grâce à ses choix technologiques (12.5 Réduction des déchets) :
Use of standard components: The DataCup is made from standard, off-the-shelf components, eliminating the need to manufacture molds or special parts, and facilitating the supply of spare parts anywhere in the world.
Choice of materials: The DataCup case is made from Valchromat wood certified by the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) as a guarantee of sustainable forest management. Easily replaceable, this material meets our requirements in terms of durability and local maintenance.
No programmed obsolescence (hardware or software): We facilitate local DataCup maintenance by providing diagnostic and repair assistance. True to our Open Source values, we have adopted a policy of continuous updating.
Commitment to digital responsibility: We have embarked on a responsible digital labeling process, demonstrating our determination to reduce our environmental footprint, further improve our eco-design and better manage the end-of-life of our equipment.
Responsible consumption:
In an ever-changing digital world, keeping information up-to-date on our hardware devices is essential. The first solutions to emerge on the market a few years ago were based on SD cards or USB sticks. These solutions met immediate needs, but the information they contained quickly became obsolete. Updating these thousands of devices is complex and costly.
This is why we have adopted an approach based on a centralized server model. This enables our DataCups to receive remote updates as soon as they are reconnected to the Internet. In this way, DataCups remain functional and relevant to users, regardless of their age.
Providing information on sustainable development:
Finally, the DataCup can be used to disseminate digital resources on sustainable development to boost community knowledge of waste management, recycling and, more generally, to encourage the adoption of sustainable behaviors (12.8).
SDG 16 : Peace, Justice and Institutions
En offrant à chacun, indépendamment de son environnement, un accès équitable à l'information, nous participons à un monde plus juste et plus équitable (16.10 Information et protection des libertés)
SDG 17 : Partnerships for the Goals
SDG 17 emphasizes the importance of partnerships in achieving the goals set out in the UN's Agenda 2030. At DataCup, we actively invest in civil society partnerships, public-private partnerships and private-private partnerships to support developing countries on their journey towards the SDGs.
To ensure the success and relevance of our projects, we adopt from the outset an approach inspired by Lean methodology, based on the 3Us:
- Useful: create a product that meets a real need
- Usable: develop appropriate functionalities to meet this need.
- Used: combine quantitative and qualitative measurements to monitor product use over time
DataCup's origins
The DataCup was born out of the need to meet a specific need expressed by the UNHCR in Niger which faced three major constraints for which no solution existed on the market. This initial experience led to the creation of our innovative solution, perfectly aligned with the unique challenges faced by our partners and end-users.
Gathering needs
We start by identifying the real needs of end-users, in terms of content. To do this, we collaborate with contacts who often come from NGOs and regularly work in the field. Their expertise and direct contact with local communities enable us to upload digital resources that are relevant and adapted to local contexts.
Thanks to these alliances, the projects we co-create obtain funding: we provide our technological ecosystem, and our partner brings its network, its experience, chooses (and sometimes produces) its digital resources, and contributes to the adoption of the technology by end-users.
This promotes sustainable, inclusive development for all, with real impact.